What to Binge Watch: `The Good Place’ effectively delivers both philosophy and comedy
Michael Schur’s The Good Place is an amazing series and those who enjoy philosophy will think the same.
May 27, 2022
Running out of TV shows and movies to stream? The Purbalite is here to help, with another installment of our What to Binge Watch feature.
Michael Schur’s The Good Place is an amazing series and those who enjoy philosophy will think the same.
It’s a show about four people who’ve made it to the afterlife’s “good place,” otherwise known as heaven: a goofball from Miami, an elitist snob, a philosophy professor, and an aggressive underachiever. While they weren’t really pleasant in their previous lives, they gradually progress into more likable people.
The big twist is they are all aware they led impure lives on Earth and do not belong there. As the show progresses, they begin working together to avoid trouble and to better themselves.
The show’s writing is phenomenal and truly mind-bending at times, mostly towards the end. Even during its most intense and uncertain moments, the dialogue between its main characters is hilarious. The unlikely dynamic among the group members makes it even better since they all have such different backgrounds.
Despite the writing and concepts being so complex at times, it’s still quite a digestible show. Sometimes viewers may be confused, but that’s what makes it so appealing. The show always keeps viewers on their toes waiting for whatever is coming next. Its pacing is great and the episodes are each 22 minutes long.
With four seasons and 53 episodes in total, this is a perfect show to binge. O