Lesser known artist, Aboynamedblu releases track worthy of recognition

Lesser known alternative artist, Aboynamedblu has released a top-tier six-track EP on Spotify.
March 18, 2022
Virtually unknown alternative artist Aboynamedblu has released a top-tier six-track EP deserving of much more recognition.
“Bending” is by far the most soulful and passionate song on the project. The start before the drums begin playing is comforting in a melancholy way. It is reminiscent of the feeling Radiohead’s “No Surprises” evokes. The yelling toward the middle of the track is one of the EP’s most notable moments.
“Above Your Head” and “Charismatic Lad” are the most upbeat tracks on the project. “Above Your head” has intriguing vocal effects and a drum-style shift which goes from live drums to more electric ones during a calmer moment of the song. “Charismatic Lad” has unusually pitched-up vocals over chaotic drums and an overdriven guitar melody. The flow of the song makes it go by so fast, giving it more replay value.
Unlike the other tracks, “In The City You Died” is a slower and much calmer one. It’s a tear-jerker and has some of the best lyrical content on the EP. This is a good song for those looking for music on their sad song playlists and is easy to get lost in when listening.
Not too often do EPs have such cohesion as seen on albums, but this one does and it’s great. As someone with barely any music released as of now, his career seems to only be able to go up from here.
Fans of Dijon, Joji, and King Krule should listen to this EP.