Susan Fagnilli, English Teacher
September 10, 2021

English teacher Susan Fagnilli was in her third year of teaching when the terrorist attacks happened.
English teacher Susan Fagnilli was in her third year of teaching when the terrorist attacks happened.
An assistant principal walked door to door and quietly told teachers to not discuss the attacks and to instead keep teaching, she said.
”No one had access to the internet, so people were very fortunate to not know what was happening. But some people were very unfortunate to not be able to get a hold of their families,” Fagnilli said.
It wasn’t until her lunch period, when a teacher brought in a TV to the department office, that she saw the destruction.
”That’s when I saw what had happened. We had no audio (on that TV), just a grainy picture of what was happening,” Fagnilli said
“I couldn’t comprehend what was happening until I got home and watched the news that night,” she said.