Katie Temme, History Teacher
September 10, 2021
Temme was told about the attacks during her planning period, so she went to one of the few places that had a cable TV — the computer lab — and watched as the events unfolded.
History teacher Katie Temme, who was in her second year of teaching at the time, remembers an assistant principal knocking on her classroom door and telling her the news of the terrorist attacks.
“We didn’t all have cell phones and texting isn’t the same as it is today. Our assistant principal was walking around and telling people what happened,” Temme said.
Temme was told about the attacks during her planning period, so she went to one of the few places that had a cable TV — the computer lab — and watched as the events unfolded.
“I was in shock at what was happening. It was quite disturbing to see those planes hit,” she said.
The day was far from normal, Temme said. Though teachers weren’t allowed to discuss what happened or show the TV footage, the news spread like wildfire among students.
Temme also remembers the uncertainty and unease of the next day at school.
“I don’t remember exactly how I addressed it, but I know we talked about it,” she said.