Jordan Brophy, boys basketball
December 15, 2020

Photo submitted by Jordan Brophy
The varsity boys basketball team had only competed in a few scrimmages prior to the shutdown, so they had not yet started their season.
Junior Jordan Brophy is optimistic that the boys basketball team will be able to bounce back from the three-week winter sports shutdown.
The varsity boys basketball team had only competed in a few scrimmages prior to the shutdown, so they had not yet started their season. In fact, they were supposed to play their first game last Friday, the day before the shutdown started, but it was canceled by their opponent.
“Because our season hasn’t started yet, they plan to extend our season farther into the new year,” Brophy said.” We should be able to make up many of the games we miss.”
Brophy said that because the team should be able to make up the games they will miss during the shutdown, the focus of the team is trying to come out of the break ready to play.
“Our coach is looking at this challenge with optimism, and hopes that we can come out of this break with the intensity we came into it with,” Brophy said.
Because the team is unable to practice together, Brophy said players will have to take the task of staying in shape into their own hands.
“We don’t yet have a set plan on working out, but we are expecting to use Google Meets for workouts,” Brophy said, “For me, staying in shape will have to come from running and putting shots up in my backyard.”
Brophy is worried about the season being cut short, but is optimistic that the team can come back from the break stronger and better than they were before.