Student plans before-school prayer session

Brooke Scanlon organized the student-led prayer event “See You at the Pole” today before school.
September 13, 2019
A national movement to give students an opportunity to pray for the school is coming to Baldwin later in September.
“See You at the Pole” is a student-led prayer movement that is held at the flagpole of many schools on the last Wednesday of September, which falls on Sept. 25 this year.
This movement was started in 1990 by a group of teens in Burleson, Texas. They felt compelled to pray, so they met at school and decided to say a prayer.
Baldwin sophomore Brooke Scanlon decided to bring the idea to Baldwin after her younger sister participated in the event at Harrison Middle School.
“We didn’t have it at our school, and schools all around had done it, so I thought everyone should have a chance to participate,” Scanlon said.
Scanlon brought the idea to Principal Shaun Tomaszewski, and the idea was soon approved.
Students who want to participate have to find their own way to school and then meet at the flagpole at 7 a.m. The prayer session will last about 15 minutes, giving everyone plenty of time to get to first period on time.
“I take inspiration from Rachel Scott and her legacy that when we show compassion, we can start a chain reaction,” Scanlon said.
kenna • Sep 13, 2019 at 7:22 pm
this is incredible!! great job brooke! ❤️