Girls soccer team loses to Moon

Photo via Sporting News

Bethel tied the game in the second half at 1-1, but Baldwin never gave up.

Tyler Zeman and Eli Achtzehn

The girls soccer team suffered a tough loss in its first section game of the season Wednesday night, falling to section standout Moon, 7-0.

Junior Morgan Bell said she felt that the team’s attitude hurt them as the game went on. 

“Our morale started to go down towards the end of the game,” Bell said. Moon was aggressive and made it difficult for Baldwin to have a good offense, she said.

The Highlanders are adjusting to changes as they are playing a new formation, Bell said.  

Despite the loss, juniors Adriana Marina and Elena Zandier both performed well defensively, Bell said.

“Adriana defended a tough girl from Moon really well the whole game,” Bell said, “Elena was our defensive coordinator on the field and she kept us organized.”

Moving forward, the team will be playing their next game at Brashear on Saturday.