Purbalite seniors evaluate their fours years of high school at Baldwin .
Senior Farewell: Utilize your time the way you want to in high school
Even though it seems kind of obvious, an overlooked part of high school is what you actually spend your time doing.
It may feel as though that’s not your choice with all of the advice people love to dish out. Your family, friends, and even random people will tell you their opinion throughout your four years.
Some people think you should be holed up in your room studying, some think you should be aiming for the Olympics, and others don’t think you should be doing much of anything — just “enjoying your youth.”
Your friends will act weird when you want to go home for the night because you’re tired, and your teachers will be upset you don’t want to spend the few hours you have to yourself slaving away on homework.
Through all of this griping and being talked down to, there’s one thing you need to remember: Your time is yours.
In high school, you have minimal necessary obligations: pass your classes and behave. In the rest of your time that you don’t spend doing those things, you should be doing things that make you happy.
If I could go back tell myself anything at the beginning of high school, that’s what I would say. I often felt shamed for wanting to stay in or go out, relax or make plans, or stop an activity.
If you’re unhappy in something that’s taking up a majority of your time, it’s okay to quit between years or even abruptly. Remain mature and respectful as always, but don’t blame yourself for taking charge of your life. Who else has the right to?
Furthermore, if you’re spending time with people who don’t treat you well, it’s your job to cut them off. You can spend your time wishing, hoping and waiting for people to treat you better, but the sooner you realize that it’s your obligation to choose who your friends are, the better.
That same rule applies to a lot of things in high school and your life. You have to take charge to make yourself happy because everyone else is spending time making themselves happy. Don’t rely too much on other people for your happiness or you’ll be disappointed.
There is a fine line that exists between being selfish and putting yourself first because you’re the only one who’s going to. Learn to walk it.