Endgame envokes every emotion

Avengers: Endgame concludes phase three of the Marvel universe.
April 26, 2019
After 11 years and 22 movies, the Marvel cinematic universe has completed phase three with its latest release, Avengers: Endgame.
Endgame is the second part of a two-part “infinity series” that depicts the Avengers’ conquest to defeat the supervillian Titan, Thanos.
In part one, Avengers: Infinity War, fans saw the Avengers team fall to Thanos’ infinity gauntlet, which wiped out half of the universe. The gauntlet holds the six infinity stones, each of which control a different force: Mind, Power, Reality, Time, Space, and Soul.
Endgame throws a variety of curveballs at fans with the many storylines that overlap one another.
Although many fans pieced together what they anticipated to be the conclusion of this phase of the Marvel comics, even super fans will not be able to predict the events that unfold in Endgame.
Phase four already has seven movies in production and they are expected to be released within the next three years.
Fans will express every emotion while watching Avengers: Endgame, which maintains the Marvel universe’s position as the leading studio in the film industry.