Boys lacrosse suffers tough loss against Chartiers Valley

Grace Hampton

The Baldwin boys lacrosse team plays in the 3A division.

Mitch Davis and Tyler Zeman

After a strong start, the Baldwin boys lacrosse team suffered a disappointing loss at home to Chartiers Valley on Wednesday night, 7-4.

Things looked good for the Highlanders in the starting minutes of the game, and Baldwin was the first team to score.

“We had a spurt of Highlander pride,” junior Ryan Musto said. Senior Austin Dickey agreed, noting that the team had its youth night on Wednesday.

However, Chartiers Valley started to gain momentum, which led to the Baldwin loss.

Musto said that the team’s biggest downfall was making easily fixable mistakes.

“We dropped the ball a lot,” Musto said. “We made bad mistakes that we shouldn’t have.”Standout players from last night included junior Zach Pettit, sophomore Bryce Jurczyk, and freshman Colton Tamburri.

“They all played well. It really looked like we were going to come back,” Musto said.

The team plays next Thursday at home against Mt. Lebanon.

“We have to take pride in what we do,” Dickey said. “We have to forget about past games and move on to the next opportunity.”