Students urged to take the LEAD to avoid substance abuse, social media problems

The Class of 2021 will have their senior interviews on Tuesday.
April 11, 2019
Assemblies urging students to avoid drug abuse are not rare, but on Thursday Baldwin students got to hear about those dangers and the importance of leadership straight from the mouths of those employed by the United States government.
The sophomore and junior classes were visited by judges and state representatives, who presented the effects of drugs, alcohol, and social media abuse in the form of stories from the speakers, statistics, and video messages from those affected by the epidemic. This presentation was shown through a program called LEAD, standing for Leadership, Education, Accountability, and Direction.
Pennsylvania judge and ex-special agent Ron Arnoni, along with state representatives, led the conversation, advising students to be advocates for themselves. They used a metaphor about students driving through their lives and making the right choices until they reached their destination.
Students learned about situations involving drugs, alcohol, and social media that can affect them in their day-to-day lives, hearing it from Arnoni, who has to deal with underage offenders often in court.
Arnoni emphasized that the key to success and navigating these issues is to develop leadership skills in their own personal lives.