Opinion: Dems should walk away from collusion accusations

Democrats would be better served by dropping collusion accusations against President Trump
March 28, 2019
After a two-year investigation including over 2,800 subpoenas and 500 witness interviews, the FBI’s investigation into alleged collusion between Donald Trump and the Russian government has come to an end, and many on the left are disappointed.
FBI Director Robert Mueller’s entire report is yet to be released; however, Attorney General William Barr published a four-page summary.
The summary responded to two clear questions, one being whether or not the Trump administration conspired with the Russian government to win the 2016 presidential election, and the other being related to the possible obstruction of justice.
Barr answered the first question concisely, stating that though there was clear evidence of Russian interference, the Trump campaign was not found to have knowingly conspired with any Russian agent.
However, instead of celebration, reactions from many on the left have been of disappointment, almost seeming to wish that Mueller had found evidence of collusion.
To actively wish that the President had committed treason simply to remove him from office is a dangerous idea that threatens the legitimacy of the U.S. government.
Trump has certainly not helped himself in this case by constantly lying and contradicting himself, and his incompetence made these allegations seem plausible.
However, far too many people jumped to conclusions and continue to cling to them, despite the fairly clear conclusion from Barr that Trump will not be charged.
Mueller’s conclusions related to Trump and obstruction of justice, on the other hand, are more ambiguous and leave the matter unresolved, with the decision falling to Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Barr and Rosenstein concluded that though the evidence provided was not enough to exonerate Trump, neither could it be used to convict him of obstruction beyond a reasonable doubt.
This was again met with skepticism from Democrats. Requests for the full, unedited Mueller report to be released to the public have been increasing.
Nevertheless, efforts by the left would best be spent moving past this issue. Dwelling on it seems to give the right an underdog victory mentality, which could lead to stronger polling numbers for Republicans.