Scrabble decoration brings wordplay to library
The library has been revamped with a new Scrabble decoration on the wall.
March 25, 2019
Fans of the game Scrabble will find the library’s new wall decoration to be quite familiar.
With the goal of inspiring and engaging students, a large replica of a Scrabble board was installed in the fireplace lounge area.
“The bare white wall was growing to be a bore,” librarian Brigetta Del Re said.
She found the idea for the design on Pinterest, she said.
Del Re said that the idea has been well received, gaining many likes and retweets on Twitter — even from the makers of the Scrabble game.
“Each word was chosen to reflect what the library brings to this school, and how it inspires students,” Del Re said.
Each piece of the decoration was cut, painted and installed by a carpenter.
Del Re originally had the idea to let students play Scrabble using the pieces. However, she decided against it, saying the cost of the pieces and the materials required would have been too much.
Meanwhile, Del Re said the library is looking to raise money through a crowd-source funding site for furniture and equipment in Studio B, the library room for creating videos and podcasts.
Those interested in helping can donate here.