Christmas themed cookies at Cookie Extravaganza.
Christmas in Baldwin: 15 School Days of Christmas

15 School Days of Christmas: The Significance of the Biblical Christmas Story
Many people who celebrate the holidays and Christmas usually have the idea of a big jolly character coming down a chimney to deliver presents and then fly back to the North Pole with a sleigh of reindeer. That’s all fine and well, but too many people forget about the importance of the real Christmas story, centered around the birth of Jesus Christ. There’s something for everything in the or...

15 Days of Christmas: Make the best of the whole Christmas season
Here’s an unpopular opinion: the best part of Christmas isn’t Christmas. It’s the weeks leading up to it. Singing carols and looking at lights from the car, watching holiday specials on TV with family, and eating wintry food all make the weeks leading up to break joyful. It doesn’t get much better than decorating the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music for the first time a...

15 School Days of Christmas: Hallmark movies lack plot and talent
Hallmark Christmas movies have certainly earned their growing popularity, but not necessarily thanks to the plots or acting. It seems like each movie follows a formula: a woman who is a high-powered executive in a big city finds herself in a small town for Christmas, and ends up finding not only Christmas spirit, but also love. The differences are just enough to make each movie distinct. Some movies feature th...

15 School Days of Christmas: Remakes, sequels of Christmas specials like getting a lump of coal
Christmas, that most wonderful time of the year, has provided some classic TV specials. With so many holiday classics out there, it must be tempting for movie and TV executives to order remakes or sequels to the best ones and hope for similar success. Yet such decisions, as many would predict, usually result in disaster. Christmas classics like Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and The...

15 School Days of Christmas: A last minute gift guide
As the shopping days come close to an end and Christmas nears, there are always those stragglers who struggle with finding good gifts for their loved ones. Then the panic begins to settle in with the fear of having nothing to put under the tree. Shopping for gifts can be difficult for each person, but here are some trendy items that should be right for those on everyone’s shopping list. Elect...

15 School Days of Christmas: Christmas classic covers are overdone
Everyone loves a classic Christmas song, but people keep hearing the same ones over and over until they are sick of them. Some of the most-played songs include “Silent Night,” “White Christmas,” and “Jingle Bells.” Coincidentally, they are also the most-covered Christmas songs of all time, “Silent Night” having been covered literally thousands of times. Most new Christmas album...

The 15 School Days of Christmas: Holiday drinks bring extra cheer
As the weather becomes colder and Christmas decorations start appearing, holiday drinks start to appear too. Once again this holiday season, fans of speciality beverages can replace their fall pumpkin spice lattes with more wintery drinks. For example, Starbucks rolled out its range of festive beverages as early as Nov 1. Fans are getting the usual classics this season, like the peppermint latte ...

The 15 School Days of Christmas: Losing Christmas spirit and how to get it back
With the holiday season in full swing, people left and right are brimming full of Christmas spirit: listening to the music, partaking in decorating and cookie baking, and just getting excited for their favorite time of year. Some, though, do not feel this joy when December rolls around. People who aren’t overjoyed by the season are scorned as being a “Grinch” or a “Scrooge.” Until recently...

The 15 School Days of Christmas: Mariah Carey is the worst
It is impossible to go through the Christmas season without hearing Mariah Carey's holiday hit, “All I Want for Christmas is You” -- endlessly. Although most people see this song as a new Christmas classic, in reality it is an overplayed and overrated, albeit catchy, simple holiday song. Sure, Carey’s vocals may stun listeners and her performance is exciting and entertaining. But after about a hu...

The 15 School Days of Christmas: Trump most certainly did not “bring back Christmas”
Of all of the preposterous claims Trump supporters have made, the most untrue of them all would have to be that Trump “brought back Christmas.” And that’s saying a lot. Saying that Trump brought back Christmas is like saying he made America great again. Christmas was always here, and America was always great. These things are true because of people who have compassion, dedication, and pl...

The 15 School Days of Christmas: Christmas lights evolve
Every year people around the country dress their houses with extravagant Christmas lights in an attempt to outdo their neighbors. Christmas lights are a tradition that has been around for decades. The light shows that people create by decorating their houses bring out the Christmas spirit in everyone. While some people only put up a casual amount of lights to show their Christmas spirit, others go to th...

The 15 School Days of Christmas: Holiday coffee cups ring in the season with less controversy
Holiday-themed coffee cups are back locally and nationally, but this time with less controversy. Coffee shops are among the big advertisers during the Christmas season. Starbucks, Dunkin, and Crazy Mocha all create a holiday version of their beverage cups in hopes of boosting both their sales and consumers’ holiday spirit. These companies usually create both a classic cardboard cup that someone would get ...

The 15 School Days of Christmas: Opinion: Die Hard is not a Christmas movie
People love to debate whether the chicken or the egg came first, or if water is wet. However, this is the real question: Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? Although Die Hard is mainly played around Christmas every year, Die Hard is simply not a Christmas movie. The main reason is that all Christmas movies have some sort of positive holiday message. Die Hard has no real Christmas-like theme; it simply i...

15 School Days of Christmas: Allemang, writers debate Christmas movies
Latin teacher Elizabeth Allemang discusses Christmas Movies with Staff Writers Jaiman White and Adam Goldsboro.

15 School Days of Christmas: Podcasts for the holidays
During the Christmas season, festive music and decorations are everywhere, but an untapped source of seasonal cheer is more unexpected: Christmas podcasts. It might seem like a niche market, but there are a variety of podcasts focused on Christmas cheer, and there is sure to be one for everyone, from the most dedicated podcast lover to those just starting to try out podcasts. Some of the most ...

15 School Days of Christmas: The K-pop playlist for Christmas
Everyone knows the Christmas classics. “Santa Baby,” “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” and “All I Want for Christmas is You” are just a few popular Christmas songs. While these songs are widely loved by many and are played endlessly until the holiday season ends, sometimes a change to something different is in order. K-pop, or Korean pop music, has been growing in popularity for several years, but r...
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