O’Malleys bring competitive side
One of the O’Malley twins, Brendan, practices during the winter track season by running in the halls.
Twin seniors Brendan and Bailey O’Malley are as competitive as any other siblings, but they say the support they show each other is just as important to their success in indoor track.
This approach has been apparent ever since they were young children.
“I think I was 9, and Brendan started track a year after I did because he played baseball,” senior Bailey O’Malley said.
Ever since, the O’Malleys have always focused on track. Despite the brothers’ fierce spirit for sports, they have always helped each other.
“There’s definitely some competitiveness between us, because we want to place higher than one another. But at the same time, we want each other to do the best,” Bailey O’Malley said.
Brendan O’Malley agreed.
“We compete: We like to lift together and compete in the weight room. Before every meet, we like to push each other to set new PRs,” senior Brendan O’Malley said.
Brendan participates in long jump, 200 meter run, and 400 meter run, while Bailey participates in shot put. With both brothers being successful, their maturity and positions as role models support the team morale.
“I just want to be a role model for the team. If any other kids aren’t doing what they’re supposed to, I try to help them and get them on the right track,” Brendan O’Malley said.
Even though their main goals for the indoor track season are to help the team place high, that could not be achieved if they did not help out others. Both brothers, as upperclassmen, offer advice and tips to the underclassmen to be more efficient.
“I think that what makes them stand out is their dedication to the team’s success as a whole, especially contributing as brothers together,” senior John Ziegler said.
Each brother has his own way of leading, Ziegler said.
The O’Malleys believe that chemistry and support are the most important elements to a winning team, and they do whatever they can to enforce that. As the season continues, the O’Malleys strive to help the track team do well and remain hopeful for a successful season.

Connor Reiche is a first year senior staff writer for the Purbalite. He enjoys spending time with his friends, listening to music, and playing video games.
Matt Storms is a senior and a first-year staff writer. He enjoys watching sports, movies, and listening to music.

Sports Editor Nathan is a senior and this is his third year on the Purbalite. He plays hockey and baseball and he can be found watching, listening, or...