Seniors struggle to cope with ‘senioritis’

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May 21, 2018
As seniors embarked upon their final year at Baldwin High school, teachers spent their first week of school going over the curriculum. Some decided to warn students about the truth of senioritis, while others did not. Whether they addressed the topic or not, every senior knows about the dangers of senioritis.
While senioritis is not a real disease, it does in fact affect the bulk of the graduating class by the end of the school year. Senioritis effects can range anywhere from decreased motivation to completely giving up on any and all things school related.
The end of the year is the busiest and most work-filled time of the school year, which means senioritis couldn’t come at a more inconvenient time. At a time when students have project after project and paper after paper due, senioritis persuades students that they can get by without completing any of those tasks.
Senioritis even affects those who believed they would not be affected. Straight-A students surprisingly begin to lose motivation.
Students find themselves constantly checking Skyward to see how far their grade has dropped or how poorly they can do on a test or quiz and still pass the class.
However, some students have a less extreme case of senioritis than others. For some, senioritis only means they procrastinate more. This could result in completing an entire project the night before, or studying for a test the period before.
For the more extreme cases, students give up all hope and refuse to try anymore.
The nice weather is also a big contributor to senioritis. Now that students are able to spend more time outside because it isn’t constantly snowing anymore, they spend less time focusing on their school work.
As the end of the year is approaching rapidly, senioritis seems to be a more difficult, although imaginary, condition to overcome.