Quotes look to spread positivity around school
“There is something good in every day” is one of the many quotes painted throughout the school. Art teachers Cheryl Foote and Tina Walsh came up with the idea to spread positivity throughout the school.
May 7, 2018
Inspiration can be found anywhere — sometimes even by just looking up.
Several teachers took the time to inspire students by applying positive messages around the school during Friday’s Day of Caring. The messages can be found along the top of some walls in the hallways as well as on some windows.
Among the messages are “Choose kind” and “There is good in every day.”
Art teachers Cheryl Foote and Tina Walsh came up with the idea of promoting these positive thoughts due to recent school shootings nationwide.
“Even if only one student’s day is impacted by these quotes, then it would be worth all the effort,” Foote said.
Foote cut out all of the vinyl letters, while history teacher Adam Foote and science teacher Sarah Lyle worked on applying them to the walls. Cheryl Foote and Walsh created the paintings on the windows of the attendance office and Walsh’s window facing the cafeteria.
The inspiration goes throughout the district, as similar quotes were added to the walls of Paynter Elementary and Harrison Middle School by teachers there.
Junior Russ Cyprowski said he believes the quotes can be beneficial to students.
“I think it’s a good idea,” Cyprowski said. “I feel it can be used to bring up someone’s day.”