Staff book club recalled fondly

February 12, 2018
Students wince when teachers pile on another novel to read for homework, but Baldwin High School’s staff always has enjoyed a good read.
As seen in this 2001 Purbalite article, Assistant Principal Dr. Margaret Boden created a staff book club that would meet once a month before first period. However, after Boden left, the club disbanded.
Librarian Bridgetta Del Re, who was an English teacher at the time, looks back on the book club with joyful memories.
“There was an adult perspective that is appreciated and it allowed the staff to get together. It carved out 30 to 45 minutes a month and you would look forward to it,” Del Re said.
She enjoyed seeing people whom she would not usually see during a typical day, like those in the math department or social studies department.
Another feature she enjoyed was being exposed to different literary genres she would not typically read.
She would love for the club to come back because it advocated for people to read more, especially unexpected novel picks.
For instance, when the book 11.22.63: A novel by Stephen King was recommended, she was wary of reading it but found herself surprised once she finished the book.
Del Re said she had a similar experience with God’s Generals: Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed by Roberts Liardon. History teacher Karl Geisler, another member of the club, recommended this historical fiction novel to the club.
Geisler also remembers the book club fondly.
He, like Del Re, enjoyed seeing teachers he would rarely cross paths with throughout his typical day. Geisler participated frequently in the club and he recommended multiple books.
“It brought people together who probably would not have interacted if the book club did not exist,” Geisler said.
He would like for it to return if someone had the determination to bring it back.
However, he would like for students to be able to participate in such a club as well.