Teacher talent show comes back
Photo via Baldwin Whitehall School District
Transportation department members will donate bikes for needy children at tonight’s board meeting.
January 10, 2018
Among the acts slated for Friday’s Teacher Talent Show is a ventriloquist act to be performed by physical education teacher Timothy Laughlin and special education teacher Eric Jankoski.
The duo are keeping quiet about the details of their act, but are glad to support the cause.
“We have no idea how it will play out, but we are just going too do our best to promote a way to give back,” Laughlin said.
Jankoski and Laughlin’s chosen charity is the Special Education program at Paynter Elementary School. If they win, they plan to donate a bike to be used for physical therapy and competition.
The show, the first such event in five years, will take place at 7 p.m. Friday in the auditorium. It will be a mix of “funny acts and serious musical performances,” choir director Kris Tranter said.
There are 10 acts including Tranter, who will be performing “Seven Bridges Road” by the Eagles.
Other acts will include an original song by social studies teacher Brad Schulte, as well as chainsaw wood carving and a Bollywood dance act performed by mystery staff members.
Admission is free. The winning act will be the one that collects the most donations from audience members. The winning act can donate the money to a charity or student club of their choice.