There are many reasons to love running, so try it out and maybe you could find a reason to love running as well.
Many runners are asked why they run, or why they like to run.
For every runner the answer to this question is different. Some people do it to lose weight or to get more fit, and some do it to get in a better place mentally.
But for a lot of people who run cross country or track, the answer to that question is because of the race. For a lot of competitive runners, all the times and miles that you put into running becomes worth it when you start to race.
If enough effort is put into running, then the race will turn out really well. You will go out off the start strong and get pushed by the adrenalin that you feel at the start. However, if you do not put enough effort into running, then you will burn out and possibly not even be able to finish.
Running is not always as easy as it seems. If you are a competitive runner and for some reason you need to stop training for a period of time, due to an injury or illness, you will notice yourself not being able to run like you did before.
But one of the good things about running is that you are always able to go back to it. No matter how many times you stop, you can always catch back up if you put in enough effort to get back to where you were when you left off.
There are many reasons to love running, so try it out and maybe you could find a reason to love running as well.