12 (School) Days of Christmas: Baldwin discusses spirit of Christmas


Photo via pixabay.com under Creative Commons license.

Devon Schroeder, Staff Writer

Every year during the holiday season, the question of the meaning of Christmas is always raised. Answers vary greatly from person to person, and Baldwin High School is no exception.

For example, junior Quinn Scharding feels strongly about the roots of the Christian holiday.

“I believe the meaning of Christmas was for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, but sadly in today’s generation, the emphasis is placed on market capitalism and stores trying to get an extra buck out of Americans,” Scharding said.

Junior John Ziegler agreed.

“Despite the modern belief that Christmas is for giving gifts to one another, the real meaning is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ,” Ziegler said.

But other students focus primarily on the family aspect of the holiday.

“I thinks Christmas is for giving thanks for what you have, kind of like Thanksgiving with a family aspect,” junior Grace Delallo said.

“I think the true meaning of Christmas varies from person to person, but to me personally it’s about giving to others and spending extra time with friends and family,” junior Julia Gateano said.  

Some students favor a mixed philosophy of both.

“Christmas was originally created to observe the birth of Jesus, but recently I think it’s changed to a celebration of helping each other out, and there’s nothing wrong with that,” freshman Jaeden Morsch said.

Junior Nick Niespodzianski agreed.

“Not only is the meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, but it is a time to come together with our family,” Niespodzianski said.

Whatever holiday one celebrates, and however they celebrate, the holiday season is still a time for celebration, goodwill, and love